April Update

Happy spring to all of our family, friends and faithful supporters. As you warm up into spring we are in the full heat of summer here.

As we believed in God’s provision for property this year God has proven to be faithful as always! A land owner came to us trying to sell their property; the land owner specified a specific price. The price was the known standard price for property in our area. So we prayed about this and Vicenta felt lead to offer a set price, so we offered a price that was about two thirds less than the owner wanted. And, Praise God the owner accepted our price and we purchased the property. The lot we purchased is one half hectare which is about one and a half acres. We plan on using this property for our Livelihood programs and to raise money for various ministries. This property will help us become a little more self-sufficient and will allow us to help more people.

We already have cleared the property of the overgrowth and have cleaned all of the coconut trees so that they will bare more fruit. There are numerous fruit trees as well as mahogany trees. The next steps will be to raise money for a well, fencing, gravel entrance road and building of our piggery to include septic tank. In the future we also plan to raise egg layer hens, ducks and goats. We are looking forward to what God will do with this property

The school year here has ended and the children are looking forward to a fun filled summer. The youth are the strength of our church and we are richly blessed by them and the talents God has given them. We continue working hard evangelizing our local area with some success. We will increase our church leadership team this month and in the months to come by adding two junior pastors. This will help us in the area of evangelism as well as with our standard church ministries such as children’s Sunday school, worship and praise.

We continue to reach out and try to help with the community’s needs as our budget allows. Once we develop our property and start raising money we will have a greater impact in this area.

We continue to raise money to build houses for people who were devastated by Typhoon Yolanda; since we started our fundraiser we have raised enough money to build four houses. Our partners (Baybay Assembly of God) started building the first house this week. Baybay Assembly of God Men’s Ministry provides all the labor for free, the only cost’s we incur is for materials and food. 

 This past week Vicenta attended a conference in Ormoc City that was sponsored by Samaritans Purse. Numerous Pastors from all over the Visayas attended this conference which basically enrolled our churches into and trained teachers for the “Operation Christmas Child” (shoe box) Program. This is very exciting for us since this is a program that we supported before we became missionaries. It is exciting to experience this rich ministry from both sides, the giving/supporting side and now the receiving side. We thank God for His provision for our churches and for this evangelism tool!

We also ask that you pray about providing financial support for this ministry. As with all ministries it takes compassionate people to respond in obedience to God’s will in their lives to provide financial support for His Kingdom. As a reminder all monies received by this ministry go directly into our various programs. We do not use ministry money for our personal support! God has blessed us with an ample retirement and a beautiful house with property so we are able to use ministry monies for ministry!


            We ask that you continue to pray not only for us and the Philippine people but for all of those throughout the world who are doing God’s work. Pray for their safety and provision for their ministries!


            We also invite you to check out our Facebook page. As time allows we will be posting new pictures and videos on our FB page.


We again thank all of you for your prayers and support.


Love David & Vicenta Cabral